Prosperity Payrolls is the trading name of Joseph May Pty Limited, Scullin, ACT, Australia. The company began operations in September 2014, and has traded profitably every year since then.
About Us & History | Prosperity Payrolls | Australia

The company’s Chief Executive Officer is Arnold Cummins. Arnold has an MA degree from Cambridge University and gained extensive IT experience with the Australian Government and the private sector. He then founded and built a very successful Canberra-based ICT software and consultancy company, which grew over 22 years from humble beginnings to be a major supplier of software and services to governments in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
Arnold also has considerable personal experience as an ICT contractor, and has a sound understanding of the needs and concerns of the contracting community. With his vast experience, his understanding of the contracting industry and his ethical, caring approach to business, Arnold is ideally placed to make Prosperity Payrolls the perfect support operation for modern ICT contractors, particularly those operating in the public sector.
Arnold would welcome hearing from you and telling you more about his approach to the business and the way Prosperity Payrolls can help you to be more successful.